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Valleri Crabtree is available to share the concept of Universe Responding in several ways.

As a platform speaker, with emphasis on presentation with limited or no Q&A. This form is appropriate for worship services and other congregational gatherings, auditorium presentations, and larger expo events. Audience size would usually be over 50.
As a seminar leader, designed as a mix of presentation, questions and answers, and commentary. This format works well in smaller groups from 10-50.
As a workshop or class facilitator, this highly interactive format works well in a teaching environment. One day, multi hour workshops and the first day of a multi-day class may be conducted by Valleri when selected in conjunction with either platform speaker or seminar leader services.

Please complete the information below and we will be in contact with you to address presentation length, format, cost, and subject matter.

Name of requester:
Name of organization:
Organization address:
Email address:
Preferred phone #:
Organization website:
Requested format:
Requested dates/times:
Projected attendance:
Other pertinent information:




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